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Location:Home > > Application
General Industry
Publication time:2019-09-12     Hits:


-Iron & Steel





-Shipping building


- Chemicals

Typically, PD pumps are applied for below fluids:

Sewage municipal or industrial, sludge, dosing of polyelectrolyte, Lime slurry, cement slurry, mineral sludge, oil sludge, calcium carbonate slurry, Bilge water, medical and chemical raw material, acids, mixtures or emulsions, solvents, latex or products containing latex, paints or coating, polymer, chemical, corrosive liquid ,crude oil, heavy oil, light fuel oil, diesel oil, marine fuel oil, lubricating oil, hydraulic oil, engine oil, kerosene, emulsion oil, bitumen, gasoline, asphalt, drilling emulsion or mud, plaster masses, resin, polymer, lime milk, wastewater, suspensions, titanium dioxide, clay, ceramic slickers, ferric oxide slurry, glazing, chopped vegetables or fruit, aromatics, refrigerant, ammonia, glycol, volatile media, molasses,

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